Elevate Wellness and Wisdom in Engaging Workshops



Get ready to elevate your skills and knowledge! Our upcoming workshops are just around the corner, offering you the opportunity to dive into new learning experiences. Whether you're looking to expand your expertise or explore fresh interests, our workshops have something for everyone. Stay tuned for more details as we unveil the exciting lineup ahead. Get ready to grow with us!

  • Buddha Statue with flowers

    Kakao & Klang: Eine Reise der Sinne und Seele - 29. Juni 2024

    Tauche ein in eine Welt der Sinne und Spiritualität bei unserer Kakaozeremonie mit Mantrasingen! Begleitet von Katha, unserer erfahrenen Mantra Guide erlebst du eine einzigartige Zusammenkunft, die dein Herz öffnet und deine Seele nährt. Gemeinsam praktizieren wir NambinYoga für eine tiefe Reinigung auf körperlicher, energetischer und spiritueller Ebene. Erlebe die transformative Kraft des Kakao und lass dich von Schwingungen und Harmonien verzaubern. Reserviere jetzt deinen Platz für dieses unvergessliche Erlebnis am 29. Juni 2024 in den wunderschönen Räumen von NordlichtYoga in Hamburg!

  • Nambin in Warrior 3 pose in front of Moroccan Mountains

    Smart Sequencing: Refining Your Yoga Practice & Teaching - 13 July 2024

    Discover the intricacies of smart sequencing in yoga at our comprehensive workshop. Dive into the principles of purposeful sequencing, refine your personal practice, and enhance your teaching skills. Join us for an immersive journey where you'll learn to craft sequences that inspire and resonate deeply with your students. Refine your teaching, refine your practice, and experience transformation with NambinYoga.

  • Art Supplies nicely arranged with flowers

    Cacao Ceremony & Meditative Art Workshop in Hamburg, Germany - August 17, 2024

    Experience the magic of our NambinYoga Cacao Ceremony & Neurographic Design Workshop at NordlichtYoga on August 17th. Delve into the rich history of cacao, a revered plant medicine, and tap into its power for creativity awakening. Guided by expert facilitators, embark on a unique journey of self-discovery through Neurographic Design, where lines, shapes, and colors become a language of self-expression. No prior artistic experience is required – just an open heart and a desire to connect with your authentic self. Reserve your spot now for an evening of connection, creativity, and transformation!